What is an ultimate orgasm?

An ultimate orgasm is your personal best orgasm. It doesn’t leave anything at the table. It doesn’t want anything more. It lasts as long as it lasts. It takes as long as it takes. It’s as messy and loud or quiet and tidy as you like. It has no room for shame or apology. An ultimate orgasm comes from questioning, exploring, experimenting, with no concern for how society or religion or anything else defines sex or female orgasm. The ultimate orgasm belongs to you and only you and it is your responsibility to find it, to have it, and to keep it for as long as you want to live a fully sexually satisfying life.

Want to know the secret to having the ultimate orgasm? Knowing your body and being in the zone. That’s it. Lots of tips and tricks and ideas follow later in the book. But first and foremost, we have to empower ourselves to pleasure. No matter how much your partner is committed to your orgasm, you are the only one who can and should be responsible for your orgasm.

There’s no judgment. No right or wrong way. No bad orgasms.

Advanced Praise for O Wow

“I am very impressed with this young woman’s personal honesty and ability to experience, as well as research and then report back to her readers in a very clear organized manner. This brave, out-spoken young woman mirrored my sexual explorations during America’s sexual revolution in the late sixties and early seventies. ”
―Betty Dodson, artist, author, and PhD sexologist

“It would be enough if Jenny Block’s writing just tackled tough, important topics like sexuality, sex and feminism as brilliantly as it does, but when you factor in her wicked sense of humor and her ability to disarm the dummies of the world, you suddenly realize exactly how genius her work really is.”
―Noah Michelson, Managing Editor, The Huffington Post Voices and Executive Editor, The Huffington Post Gay Voices